or Iridology is a non-invasive way of obtaining information about the
state of the internal structures, tissues and organs of the body from
studying the iris (coloured part) of the eye. The tiny fibres of the
eyes are connected to the nerve-brain system which projects a 'map
of the body' rather like that which is found on the palms of the hands
and soles the feet which reflexologist examine and treat.
The goal of ia trained Iridologist or Iris-diagnostician is to identify weaknesses in the
tissues early so that health can be rebuilt through homeopathic, nutritional and herbal
therapy to alleviate or avoid more serious developments in chronic disease.
able to define underlying weaknesses and disease patterns, both
inherited or acquired through poor living habits,
allows practitioner and patient to take preventive action.
Examination is made with the use of a magnifying device and/or a computerized camera for irregularities in the tiny fibres
of the iris.
the fibre structure may show up lacunae (holes and openings) which are
indications of weakness within an organ or tissue. Changes in colour,
darkened or lightened areas may indicate congestion, toxic buildup
or active inflammation.
The earliest physicians (from the time of
Hippocrates) have noted the significance of studying the eye to determine a
patient's general condition of health. The science of Iris-diagnosis was founded by a hungarian doctor named Ignatz
von Peczely (1826-1911). As an 11 year old boy he had noticed that an owl with a broken leg had a black
stripe in the lower part of the eye on the same side as the broken leg. As the
leg healed, the black stripe was replaced by newly formed fibres.
In later life after becoming a doctor he began to study and
record his patients irises, drawing the first eye charts which mapped the
internal structures and organs of the body. This work was contributed to by several
pioneers, and popularized by Dr. Bernard Jensen in the USA some decades ago.
Jensen recorded many photographs of irises along with
specific health problems and pictured the dramatic changes in the appearance of
the iris which may happen when health of the patient has been improved by
naturopathic and herbal treatment.
Here is a picture of one side of the body giving
some idea of how the iris has been mapped out over the last two
Example assessment of an iris:
The whitish colour of the iris fibres indicates a general state of over-acidity in the tissues and inflammation which is likely to affect muscles and joints.
1) There are many weaknesses or openings in the iris fibres in the bowel wreath indicating an atonic bowel from chronic constipation
2) There are concentric 'rings around the iris which are called 'stress rings' usually found in tense nervous subjects and indicating a need for more minerals to nourish the nervous system.
3) Muddy deposits in the lymphatic zone around the edge of the iris indicate toxic buildup in the lymph and unhealthy cholesterol.