Dr. Berkeley Digby graduated as an Osteopath in the UK in 1978 and went on to graduate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. He graduated as a Homeopath in the UK in mid-80's and run a busy practice in London practising Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Homeopathy.
Dr. Digby presently practices in Plettenberg Bay and treats many acute and chronic diseases with Homeopathic medicine which he often combines with Chinese Qigong exercises, lifestyle and dietary advice. Common complaints he treats include joint and muscle pains, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, menopause, PMS, sinusitis, asthma, arthritis, headaches, multiple sclerosis, irritability, anxiety and depression etc.
He uses Homeopathic injection therapy for musculo-skeletal problems including arthritis, sciatica, muscular pain or spasm and spinal disorders.
Dr. Digby operates his Homeopathic practice in a similar way to conventional GPs, except that he does not prescribe conventional drugs. He uses Blood Tests, X-rays or scans where appropriate, and at times he sends patients to medical specialists for investigations or procedures.
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